

Media content has a tremendous impact on forming attitudes, shaping public opinion, and evoking human emotion. Therefore it is important to produce content that emphasizes personal strength and intellectual growth over weakness and ignorance, teaches love and compassion instead of hatred and intolerance, portrays strong independent women as protagonists who at the same time are still nurturing and kind.

By promoting tolerance to different cultures, races, religions and motivating young women to participate in the political and social life of their societies, we convey an important message that their deeds and accomplishments matter to other people, that a healthy woman (emotionally, intellectually, physically and spiritually) is a solution to the better future of the human race.

Photo by Steve Riley
Photo by Steve Riley

Oksana Cobb, the Founder of Roksolana Productions, LLC is a screenwriter, film producer, director and human rights activist.

The main topics of her creative interests include world cultures, human rights, media representation of women, history and present humanity challenges.

Oksana was born in Kyiv, Ukraine but moved to the US after earning her Master’s Degree in Liberal Arts from Kyiv Pedagogical University.  She also graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with Master’s in Emerging Media and Communications (2014).

Due to the ongoing full scale Russian war against Ukraine, the main focus of Roksolana Productions is on helping achieve Ukrainian victory and produce content related to Ukraine’s struggle for freedom and independence.

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Art at the Service of Humanity